
Shubham Krishna

Shubham Krishna is a marine scientist specialising in the study of effects of climate change and other anthropogenic stressors in oceans and lakes, with over 11 years of experience. Shubham completed his PhD in Biological Oceanography (Biogeochemical modelling) from Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (GEOMAR) in Kiel, Germany. After that Shubham worked as a post doc scientist at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland for three years, followed by Helmholtz Centre Hereon, Hamburg, Germany, for another three years.  In April 2024, Shubham joined National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK. Shubham applies diverse modelling approaches (ranging from 0D to 3D models) to understand how aquatic food webs respond to different stressors (such as climate warming, ocean acidification, eutrophication, hypoxia, pollutant, and overfishing). With these, he investigates how organism-level responses (particularly autotrophic and heterotrophic) scale up to ecosystem level effects. Further, he applies coupled physical-biogeochemical model systems to predict how global changes will affect future state of marine and lake ecosystems. He is also interested in trait-based (particularly size) modelling and data assimilation approaches.

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